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Formlabs 플렉서블 80A 레진 V1
Formlabs 플렉서블 80A 레진 V1


[ 부가세 포함 ]

제조사 Formlabs
원산지 미국
A/S안내 3D몬
적립포인트 3,300점 ( 1% )
재고상태 주문가능
배송비 무료 (도서산간지역 제외)
  • 수량
    증가 감소
  • 제품상세

Formlabs 플렉서블 80A 레진 (Flexible 80Resin) V1
- 1리터 (1L)



80A 경도계 고무, 높은 내충격성 및 압축을 시뮬레이션하여 인체공학적 소프트 터치 그립에 적합합니다.


Flexible 80A Resin is the most stiff soft-touch material in our library of Flexible and Elastic Resins, with an 80A Shore durometer to simulate the flexibility of rubber or TPU.


Balancing softness with strength, Flexible 80A Resin can withstand bending, flexing, and compression, even through repeated cycles.


· Handles, grips, and overmolds

· Cushioning, damping, and shock absorption

· Seals, gaskets, and masks

· Cartilage, tendon, and ligament anatomy




사용가능 프린터 (Printer Compatibility)

  Form 2  Form 3  Form 3B  Form 3L  Form 3BL


사용가능 레진탱크 (Resin Tank)

  Form 2 LT  Form 3 Tank V1  Form 3 Tank V2/V2.1  Form 3L Tank




적용가능 레이어 두께 (Layer Thickness)

  Form 2     50,100 microns

  Form 3     50,100 microns

  Form 3L/3BL     100 microns


※ 출력 후 추가 UV 경화가 필요합니다.




재료 물성 및 안전관련 자료 (Material Data Sheet)


- 재료 물성표 (Materials Technical Data Sheet) : 다운로드

- 물질안전보건자료 (Materials Safety Data Sheet) : 다운로드















Which Material Is Right for You?


Trying to choose a material within our Flexible and Elastic family? A good place to start is the Shore durometer, which represents how soft and flexible your part will feel. A higher durometer indicates a stiffer material..



Flexible 80A Resin
Elastic 50A Resin










Print feature recommendations

Supported wall thickness
Minimum: 400 microns
Recommended: 600 microns

Unsupported wall thickness
Minimum: 600 microns
Recommended: 800 microns

Shallow angles
Minimum: 19 degrees
Recommended: 45 degrees

Horizontal span/bridge
Maximum: 600 microns

Clearance between adjacent parts
Minimum: 1000 microns

Hole diameter
Minimum: 800 microns





Form Wash 세척 시간 (Form Wash Settings)


- Form Wash 설정표 (PDF, All Formlabs Resins) : 다운로드



To remove Flexible 80A Resin parts from the build platform, insert a scraper or flush cutters under one edge and slowly peel the part away from the build platform surface.


Wash parts printed with Flexible 80A Resin in your preferred solvent for two periods of 10 minutes. The Form Wash agitates the solvent bath and removes parts from the bath after a set time.


If the model is hollow or has internal channels, ensure liquid resin is flushed out thoroughly from these features. Allow parts to fully dry before post-curing.








UV 후경화 시간 및 온도 (Form Cure Time and Temperature Settings)


※ UV 후경화는 반드시 출력 완료 후 세척 및 완전 건조가 우선되어야 합니다.

- Form Cure 설정표 (PDF, All Formlabs Resins) : 다운로드





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