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장바구니 보기

Formlabs Finish Kit
Formlabs Finish Kit


[ 부가세 포함 ]

제조사 Formlabs
원산지 미국
A/S안내 3D몬
적립포인트 1,760점 ( 1% )
재고상태 주문가능
배송비 무료 (도서산간지역 제외)
  • 수량
    증가 감소

총 상품금액 (총 수량 1개)


  • 제품상세
  • 배송/반품/교환

Formlabs 클리닝 키트(Finish Kit)

출력물을 세척하기에 편리한 고품질의 클리닝 키트입니다.
Form 3 출력 실패 시 레진탱크에 붙어있는 경화된 레진 제거용 '탱크 툴(Tank Tool)'이 추가되었습니다.




[ 구성품 ]

1. 세척 스테이션 (Rinse station)

: Holds the two rinse buckets. The rinse station has flip lids for easy one-handed operation.

2. 약 4L 밀폐용기 2개 (Rinse buckets)

: Two plastic buckets to be partially filled with solvent.

3. 세척물 걸름대 (Rinse basket)

: Use to transfer parts from one bucket to the next. The basket can rest on the edge of the rinse bucket to allow parts to drip.

4. 세구 세척병 (Rinse bottle)

: Keep filled with fresh solvent for rinsing prints and flushing internal channels.

5. 작업 트레이 (Finishing tray)

: Provides a catch-all workspace to place sticky parts or tools and contain resin or solvent drips.

6. 핀셋 (Tweezers)

: Use to carefully remove supports from a printed part or unwanted cured material from the Form 2 resin tank. Do not use sharp tools to inspect the Form 3/Form 3B resin tank.

7. 스크래퍼 (Scraper)

: Use to remove parts from the build platform, as well as carefully cleaning and inspecting the Form 2 resin tank for cured material. Do not use sharp tools to inspect the Form 3/Form 3B resin tank.

8. 출력물 이형툴 (Removal tool)

: Apply pressure under the raft generated by PreForm to release the base of your printed parts from the build platform.

9. 빌드 플랫폼 고정대 (Jig)

: Provides a place to secure the build platform as you work on removing your printed part.

10. 서포터 컷터 (Flush cutters)

: Use to carefully remove supports from your prints.

11. 검정 니트릴 장갑 (내화학성) 다수 (Disposable nitrile gloves)

: Wear gloves when removing and finishing your prints.

12. 탱크 툴 (Tank Tool)

: Use to inspect and clean the Form 3/Form 3B resin tank.